Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Senescent Cells Cause a Sizable Fraction of the Consequences of Type 2 Diabetes

For the overwhelming majority of patients, type 2 diabetes is a self-inflicted condition. It is the consequence of excess visceral fat tissue, accumulated and held over the years. This type of fat is metabolically active and distorts the operation of metabolism in ways that accelerate the progression of many aspects of aging and age-related disease. Even quite late in the progression of the condition, patients can effectively turn back type 2 diabetes and its consequences via the use of a sustained low calorie diet and consequent weight loss. That more people do not do this is quite eye-opening, given that the alternative is unpleasant medications, side-effects, and the continuation of the disease process leading to an early death. One of the primary ways in which

From https://www.fightaging.org/archives/2019/03/senescent-cells-cause-a-sizable-fraction-of-the-consequences-of-type-2-diabetes/


from https://karlfletcher.blogspot.com/2019/03/senescent-cells-cause-sizable-fraction.html


From https://davidrawlins1.blogspot.com/2019/03/senescent-cells-cause-sizable-fraction.html


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